Colts Under-13 Bowling

Date of last included result: 15th December 2024 (1 result to come)

Click on a team to see the batting averages for that team.

Click on a player to see that player's bowling performances match-by-match, or to hide them if displayed.

Players (and bowling performances, for determining best bowling) are ranked by wickets taken, then average runs per over.

Name Team Overs Runs Wickets Best Runs/wkt Runs/over
1 X Warnes Havant 9.5 87 7 5/20 12.43 8.85
2 H Lucas Clanfield 8.4 48 5 2/10 9.60 5.54
3 A Swanzy Petersfield 11 86 5 2/23 17.20 7.82
4 I Kavanagh Portchester 12 98 5 2/20 19.60 8.17
5 T Coltman Portsmouth 8 71 5 3/19 14.20 8.88
6 H Taimoor Portsmouth & Southsea 11 98 5 2/17 19.60 8.91
7 M Wilcocks Portchester 12 131 5 2/32 26.20 10.92
8 S Ward Sarisbury Athletic 7 36 4 2/9 9.00 5.14
9 S Morgan Havant 12 99 4 3/17 24.75 8.25
10 W Rose Portchester 8 73 4 2/31 18.25 9.12
11 L Jones Hambledon 6 35 3 2/21 11.67 5.83
12 J Newman Portsmouth 7.3 55 3 2/8 18.33 7.33
13 R Gohl Hambledon 6 49 3 2/34 16.33 8.17
14 T Brett Gosport Borough 14 115 3 2/15 38.33 8.21
15 H Patrick Sarisbury Athletic 7 61 3 2/32 20.33 8.71
16 L Millington Petersfield 10 95 3 1/12 31.67 9.50
17 H Zacs Portchester 6.1 63 3 2/13 21.00 10.22
18 T Sutton Gosport Borough 10 104 3 1/14 34.67 10.40
19 J Vick Portsmouth 10 108 3 1/25 36.00 10.80
20 E Cassford Havant 7.3 82 3 3/18 27.33 10.93
21 J Perry Clanfield 2 7 2 2/7 3.50 3.50
22 S Voaden Fair Oak 10 78 2 1/14 39.00 7.80
23 E Purcell Fareham & Crofton 3 27 2 2/27 13.50 9.00
24 E Archer Gosport Borough 9 85 2 1/11 42.50 9.44
25 J Parry Fareham & Crofton 5 51 2 1/10 25.50 10.20
26 J Miles Portsmouth & Southsea 12 130 2 1/24 65.00 10.83
27 A Cripps Gosport Borough 4 45 2 2/16 22.50 11.25
28 J Thomas Portsmouth & Southsea 5 57 2 2/15 28.50 11.40
29 R Younis Fareham & Crofton 8 93 2 1/20 46.50 11.62
30 F Yeates Fair Oak 8 97 2 1/20 48.50 12.12
31 W Morgan Havant 8.3 106 2 1/13 53.00 12.47
32 D Flynn Sarisbury Athletic 5 71 2 1/22 35.50 14.20
33 H Freemantle Sarisbury Athletic 4 57 2 1/10 28.50 14.25
34 J Cooper Hambledon 9 59 1 1/16 59.00 6.56
35 K Shaw Petersfield 3.5 28 1 1/0 28.00 7.30
36 A Hitchens Petersfield 14 112 1 1/28 112.00 8.00
G Moffat Fair Oak 4 32 1 1/14 32.00 8.00
38 A Gray Portsmouth 4 33 1 1/18 33.00 8.25
39 M Rainger Clanfield 11 94 1 1/28 94.00 8.55
40 G Bentley Fair Oak 2.1 20 1 1/20 20.00 9.23
41 E Afzal Hambledon 11 103 1 1/20 103.00 9.36
42 A Pickford Fair Oak 6 61 1 1/12 61.00 10.17
43 J Peat Portsmouth 2.3 33 1 1/7 33.00 13.20
44 S Crowther Sarisbury Athletic 4.5 67 1 1/33 67.00 13.86
45 N Beck Fair Oak 3.4 55 1 1/23 55.00 15.00
46 T Trevellick Clanfield 5 77 1 1/33 77.00 15.40
47 H Orrell Gosport Borough 2 31 1 1/31 31.00 15.50
48 S Suraj Petersfield 5.2 84 1 1/17 84.00 15.75
49 C Foley-Wright Clanfield 2.1 38 1 1/32 38.00 17.54
50 C Brown Gosport Borough 2 8 0 0/8 4.00