A. Title
The Name of the League shall be the South East Hants (Fareham) Indoor Cricket League (hereinafter called "the League"). At the discretion of the Management Committee, the League Title may incorporate words or symbols referring to a sponsor or other appropriate body.
B. Aims and Objectives
- The promotion, advancement and protection of the interests of cricket in Hampshire and its environs.
- Co-operation with the Hampshire Cricket Board, the Hampshire Cricket League and any other body having similar objectives to the League.
- Co-operation with and the provision of assistance and advice to Member Clubs on any matter affecting the interests of the Member Club or League.
- Consideration of any other means for promoting the interests of the League.
C. Officers and Management Committee
- The Officers of the League shall be the President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Fixture Secretary, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (hereinafter called "the AGM") and hold office until the next AGM when they shall retire but be eligible for re-election.
- The League shall be governed by a Management Committee (hereinafter called "the Committee") consisting of the Officers of the League and up to seven other Committee members duly elected at the AGM. No member shall be elected to the Committee unless he is present at the AGM or has sent a written apology for absence together with his agreement to accept office. The Committee will be responsible for the management of the League (including the Colts Sections), appoint sub-committees and have the powers of co-option. It may submit proposals to any general meeting of the League after due notice has been given to Member Clubs. The alteration or suspension of League Rules can only take place with the approval of Member Clubs either at the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting (hereinafter called "an EGM").
- The Committee shall meet as necessary and will be responsible for the governance of the League within the framework of this Constitution and the Rules and shall have the power to deal with anything not covered by the Constitution or the Rules and to decide on the interpretation of this Constitution or the Rules in the event of any disagreement as to their meaning and such decision shall be final and binding on all Member Clubs.
- No business shall be conducted by the Committee unless at least two Officers and two other Committee members are present. Where necessary, the Chairman of the meeting shall exercise a casting vote.
D. Membership
Membership of the League shall be open to any bona fide club approved by the Committee. Clubs shall preferably be members or affiliated members of the Hampshire Cricket Board or a neighbouring County Cricket Board.
E. Annual General Meeting
- The AGM shall take place at a venue, date and time decided by the Committee. Notice of every AGM shall be circulated to Member Clubs at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting. Proposed amendments to the Rules and Playing Conditions of the League and any other proposals, including nominations for the Committee will be considered at the AGM subject to written notice by two Member Clubs, certified by the Chairman and Secretary of each as having the support of the Club Committees, being given to the Secretary not later than 1st March.
- No Member Club shall be entitled to propose more than one person as a member of the Committee. No proposal to amend the Rules and Playing Conditions will be deemed to be carried unless it receives not less than two thirds of the votes cast at the AGM. At any General Meeting AGM, each Member Club shall have one vote. No Member Club shall be entitled to vote at a meeting by proxy. In the event of a "Tied Vote" the Chairman or his nominated deputy shall have the casting vote. Voting shall be by show of hands unless the Chairman directs otherwise.
- Where a motion affects the Rules of Play in a particular Division of the League, only Member Clubs with teams affected by the proposed change may vote. The decision of the Chairman of the meeting shall be final in determining the effects of this rule.
- Attendance at AGMs is mandatory. Any club failing to send a delegate to such meetings shall be liable to a fine of £20.00. Any club failing to send a delegate to three successive meetings will be expelled from the League.
F. Extraordinary General Meeting
An EGM may be convened at the discretion of the Committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a written request from not less than SEVEN Member Clubs. Notice of, and proceedings at, an EGM shall be the same as those at the AGM.
G. Subscriptions
- The Annual Subscription shall be fixed at the AGM and shall be payable by Member Clubs to the Honorary Treasurer by 31st July following. Cheques shall be payable to "The S.E. Hants I.C.L". Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the League.
- All Member Clubs must pay their match fees for the coming season, in advance, to the Honorary Treasurer by 31st August.
- The Honorary Treasurer shall deposit Subscriptions and Match Fees in an approved account and shall be responsible for keeping records of all the League's financial transactions. All payments made by the League by cheque shall bear the signature of the Honorary Treasurer.
- Every Member Club must complete a Records Update Form in full and return it to the Honorary Secretary by 31st July. Any incomplete form will incur a fee of £5.00 per enquiry made to establish full information for publication. Any Records Update Form returned after 31st July will incur a fine of £5.00 for each full or part week late, up to a maximum of £20.00. (Therefore £5.00 for forms received from 1st to 7th August, £10.00 for forms received from 8th to 14th August, £15.00 for forms received from 15th to 21st August, and £20.00 for forms received from 22nd to 31st August.)
H. Presentation of Accounts
The accounts of the League shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer and each account shall be examined annually by the person or persons appointed at the AGM to carry out the examination. For the purpose of such examination the accounts shall end on 31st March each year.
I. Presentation of Awards
- The teams in each division shall be placed according to the following criteria, in the order specified (i.e. for any
two teams, the first criterion by which one is placed above the other determines their relative ordering).
- Highest average number of points gained, per completed match. For the avoidance of doubt, matches won or lost by default count as completed matches; matches cancelled by the League due to unavoidable cause, and not rescheduled, do not.
- Highest average number of runs per over. For this purpose only, any team which is dismissed before its full entitlement of overs has been bowled shall be regarded as having received the full entitlement.
- The team placed first in each division on completion of the League programme shall be awarded a trophy and seven individual medals for the members of its team. If two or more teams are placed equal first, the trophy shall not be awarded but each of the tied teams shall receive seven medals.
- Individual awards for batting and bowling, and other team awards, shall be awarded as the Committee shall direct.
- Team and individual trophies shall be held by the winners until 1st March of the following year. Each club is responsible for returning all trophies won by teams and individuals representing that Member Club, in good order and in accordance with the arrangements established by the Committee, by 1st March; failure to do so will incur a fine of £20.00 per trophy. If a trophy is returned dirty or damaged, or is lost, the Committee may direct that the trophy be cleaned, repaired or replaced, and the responsible Member Club shall be liable for the cost of this in addition to the fine.
J. Discipline
All disciplinary matters in any way connected with the League or the conduct of matches played under the auspices of the League shall be dealt with in accordance with the ECB's Model Disciplinary Rules which shall be deemed part of these Rules and which shall prevail over any of the League's Rules which may overlap or be in conflict with the provisions of such Model Rules.
Any Club(s) with outstanding fines / hall hire charges not paid by 1st July after the close of the preceding season will incur a deduction of eight points at the start of the new season.
K. Club Information and Correspondence
Member Clubs shall advise the Secretary of all changes of Club Secretary and of Club Information in the League website, as soon as they occur. They shall also deal promptly with League correspondence.
L. Winding Up
In the event of the League being wound up, a financial statement will be prepared and audited. If these accounts reveal a deficit, every Member Club at the date of winding up, and every club which ceased to be in membership within the year preceding the date of winding up, shall contribute equally to clear such deficiency. If a surplus is revealed, it shall be given to some body with objects similar to those of the League, or if an alternative is necessary, then to some charitable body preferably connected with cricket.
M. Child Protection
The League will have due regard to the law on disability, discrimination and child protection.